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What to eat before a work out??

Never work out on an empty stomach! I have clients that come to me with absolutely no energy and when I ask them what they have eaten they say nothing! Not only are you slowing down your metabolism, but your body needs a combination of carbs and protein in order to provide the energy for the work out as well as enough nutrients to repair muscle after. Keep your pre-work out snacks light below 200-250 calories or so. Here are a couple quick things that I eat before my work out! -Bananas:If you only have 15-20 minutes before your work out, grab a banana. Bananas are very rich in fast-acting carbohydrates that will provide you with fuel for a work...

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When to do cardio? Before or after weights?

I get asked this question all the time..the answer is AFTER!! It really is ideal to separate weight days and cardio days, however if you are trying to get it all in in one session, do the cardio after your weight training session. Reason being is because if you do cardio before that long and intense of an interval will almost, if not totally, exhaust your glycogen storage. Why is that a problem? Lifting weights does not utilize as much of your glycogen as a cardio session would, but it still needs that glycogen because it is your muscles source of energy for contraction. With no glycogen stores, your weightlifting workout will pretty much be a waste of time. The...

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Why to work out during pregnancy??

If you were physically active before pregnancy and your health provider gives you the okay, there is no reason why you shouldn't work out during pregnancy. Of course always listen to your body while working out pregnant. The BENEFITS of working out while pregnant are AMAZING from lowering your risk of preeclampsia and diabetes, not to mention the obvious, your snap back after pregnancy! Here are some top reasons why it's so important to work out while pregnant!!

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The 411 on PROTEIN!!

No matter what your fitness goals are whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle, you need protein!! So many women avoid protein because they think they are going to get bulky. FALSE!! A woman's body doesn't have enough testosterone to build muscle like men do. Protein is a macronutrient that everybody needs to build and maintain lean muscle. And lean muscle is what gives you the sleek, toned, feminine body you want. During a strength training work out, your muscle fibers are being broken down. In order to build them back up you need amino acids found in protein to repair. Within an hour after your work out, women should intake at least 20 grams of protein....

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Starbucks Survival Guide!!

We are all guilty for sipping on our favorite coffee drink from Starbucks in the morning or after a long day at work. However, did you know that some of these tasty concoctions can cost you over 500 calories and let's not even talk about the sugar intake! Listed below are some healthier options that will satisfy both your taste buds and your conscience! Caramel Frappuccino Light Blended CoffeeOne of the most popular drinks from Starbucks is undoubtedly the Caramel Frappuccino Blended Coffee. But with a whopping 300 plus calories per serving, most of us aren’t able to indulge in this caramely delight too often. But wait! There’s such a thing as the Caramel Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee- with only...

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