Statistics show that 80% of Americans gain between 3-7 lbs around the holidays every year!! For good reason with holiday parties, candies and dessert goodies around the office, drinking festivities, food food food!!! But how can we possibly avoid this holiday weight gain?? Follow my holiday healthy tips to bring in the new year lighter, not heavier!!
~ Make Time
No matter how busy your schedule is, especially around this season, MAKE TIME to work out! You make time for what YOU make a PRIORITY! I don't care if I only have 15-20 minutes, I go hard for 15-20 minutes. If that means you have to wake up a little extra early, pack your gym bag, whatever...make it happen!
~ Fill up on veggies and lean protein
Be smart about your choices. If that chip dip look extra fattening and cheesy, keep walking. Some things just aren't worth it..you don't have to try every single dish at a party. If you're going to indulge a little, make sure it's with your favorite food. Make those calories count. Have a small amount and move on!!
~ Portion Control
If you have a choice of plates, grab the smaller one and fill it with healthy choices. It will feel like you're eating more, when in fact you're eating less!!
~ Drink Water
Water fills you up and fires up your metabolism. This one's a no brainer: drink water!
~ Be easy on the alcohol
Stay away from the egg nog and other high calorie mixed drinks. If you are going to drink, have a glass of wine, your favorite cocktail on the rocks or with just a splash of something if you really need it.
Enjoy the holidays. It is really a special time of the year. But also always remember that the new year is right around the corner and so is Spring. Stay focused!!
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